Friday, August 3, 2012

The Toilet Testament...

I've known this "testament" way back when I was a kid when my godmother is The Land Down Under sent a plaque to my family. So here it goes:

Bless this room, O Lord we pray,
Make it sweet by night and day.
Bless the seat and bless the flush,
Bless the early morning rush.
Bless the nasty little brat who
Pulled the chain and drowned the cat.
Bless the girl who locked the door
Reading books an hour or more.
Bless the phantom with the feet,
The prints of which are on the seat.
Bless the bloke who thought he oughta
First discover toilet water.
Bless the fiend whose favorite caper
Leaving you stranded with no paper.
Finally with love and kisses,
Bless the bloody fool who misses.

Am contemplating on whether to print this out and past it on the washroom door of my office ;p.

Google believes in Tolkien...

A friend shared this with me... When in Google maps, change the change directions to walking directions. point A, type 'The Shire'. Destination B, type 'Mordor'. This will then appear (please note the circled part):

If the words are unclear, the circled section says: "Walking directions are in beta. Use caution - One does not simply walk into Mordor"

What can I say? Google believes in Tolkien. ;).
(for those who are blur, please go read or watch The Lord of the Rings)

3 months of non-posting...

just realized I've not posted anything since May. 3 months. somehow, I always become lazy when it comes to posting things that come in my head. Plus, my office's internet connection is good. Oh well, better than abandoning it for years right?
Been busy with my career... have already entered my 5th month working with the company and it looks good so far. There were crazy and hectic moments, tired days where I'll just come back and sleep, days where I'll 'try' to tone my body (some people fancy six pack hunks like Thor or some South Korean artist - peer preasure =p). So at this very moment, I'm sneaking some time to fill my blog.
Have collected some jokes and laughs, went through some reflections in life and good ol' random stuff. Hoping this time, I stay consistent.