Monday, September 26, 2011

A Beautiful Contract...

a wonderful long conversation with some good friends of mine at office led me to writing this post which will affirm the numerous people that have, and are, like a second family to me since my departure for pastures new back in 2008...
Dulu-dulu... back in 2008, I had just started my journey with the High Almighty Dude Up in Heaven... Was serving alot in ministry and in church till I became a prodigal son at times to my parents. Then came the day where I went to further my studies in the kingdom known as University so that i don't end up being short of knowledge and to land a decent job in the future (hopefully). Yes, I was sad that I was gonna leave that small little island I called home for 20 years in my life, but it was also an exciting start to a brand new chapter in life. To cut to the chase, I got involved with the campus ministry in the aforementioned kingdom of "Universiti M'sia Sabah" @ UMS. Ended up even becoming one of the leaders to serve and reach out to other Catholic students in campus, all the more at the same time deepening my faith in Him.
It's been 3 years since my fateful joining of that ministry. And I quote my friend from this morning's sharing: "You join this ministry it's like signing a contract; a contract for long-lasting friends that walk with you through every difficult and joyful moment". When I signed this contract, He guaranteed me wonderful people with the likes of Mary Anne Balthazar, Brenda, Suh, Ester, Joannes, JillianYvonne, Sharon, Emmanuel, Ambrose, Valerie, Debbie and not forgetting introducing me to my current love, Patricia.
Let me just take this opportunity to sincerely thank the people mentioned for your love, support, guidance, affirmations, yellings etc. as it really has made be become a better person.



  1. nice!!! "You join this ministry it's like signing a contract; a contract for long-lasting friends that walk with you through every difficult and joyful moment"- Anne Baltazar!!! =)) lovin' it!

  2. Lol.. Dan, I can't help but laugh at the "yelling" part. Kekeke..
    It has been a wonderful journey that made us grow more and deepened our faith in God right. And the plus in this contract it definitely the friendship that is beautiful for words. :D
    I am very glad that all the people mentioned above crossed path with each other, hence the outcome now. Let us continue to place our faith and love in Jesus. ^_^ (Esterynna)
